Investment solutions

Our expertise lies in creating and running a financial plans for our clients.

Our responsibility as Financial Planners is to use our experience and knowledge to maximise the probability of you achieving your goals.

We do this by adopting a consistent methodology for deciding what investment strategies to allocate to your goals, needs and objectives.

We then review your progress and the performance of the selected investment solutions regularly.

What you should expect

  • Investment advice that selects investments appropriate your Needs, Goals and Objectives

  • That the advice you receive reflects your agreed attitude to risk,

  • That the investments selected behave in a way that has been explained to you

  • Access to a wide range of investments and asset classes

  • Access to expert investment fund management

  • Access to Investment Trusts, Active and Passive funds

  • Advice that is able to account for your Ethical views

  • An evidence based process for selecting your investments

We work with external research partners where it is established that an investment is suitable.  This approach allows us to select appropriate solutions and combine our opinions on how best your money should be managed.

Multi Assets funds and portfolios

These are Active and or Passive funds – portfolios, blended together and risk rated. 

They are rated based on the blend of where and what they invest in, volatility, investment philosophy and characteristics. 

For example, a higher risk portfolio may only invest in shares of companies. A lower risk portfolio will invest in both Bonds, Property and Shares. 

To maintain the risk profile each fund is rebalanced or reviewed regularly. They are also independently reviewed on a Quarterly basis by our external research partner.

Rated SRI Funds (Socially Responsible Investing)

With investors increasingly concerned about the potential environmental effects of certain business practices, many individuals and institutions are asking how they can align their environmental views and personal values with investment decisions that support their long term investment goals.

We work with our external research partners to provide real-world solutions designed to deliver the dual outcomes mentioned above

Your Goals

We believe the outcomes we provide to our clients are the most suitable investment and retirement solutions the market can offer for your requirements.

Our careful review process ensure that the charges of the product providers and fund managers are economical.

Investing is not an end in itself but a tool, a means of meeting your life goals. From funding a daughter’s wedding to planning for an enjoyable retirement, we’ll help you achieve the things that matter the most to you.

The Cycle of Market Emotions

When things are great, we feel that nothing can stop us. When things go bad, we look to take drastic action. Because emotions can be such a threat to an investor's financial health, it is important to be aware of them.

What are the consequences of this emotional roller-coaster?

  • Emotions turn rational investors into irrational investors.

  • It's important to remember that markets move and investments will always go in and out of favour.

Developed, diversified long-term financial plans are placed in jeopardy when investors are confronted by extraordinary events because we are guided by our emotions.

The five most common behavioural pitfalls are:


When investors over-rate their ability to select winning shares or investment managers.


Research shows that no-one can accurately time the market.


Research indicates a loss causes about twice as much pain as a gain causes pleasure. During periods of market volatility investors experience the sense of loss more acutely.


The risk/return characteristics of an investor's portfolio should be independent of what's happening in the market and this means selling high and buying low.


Following the latest trends or investing based on the past can, unfortunately encourage individual investors to abandon a well-diversified portfolio. This  may well jeopardising their future financial security.

Your financial plan is of utmost importance and will help you separate your emotions from reality and endeavour to steer you on the path of rational investing.

Investments -  The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all of your original investment.